Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chapter 2 part

Jacob woke up in a bright, golden field, spotted with bails of hay. He sat up, propping himself up by his arms, and looked around. What is going on? Where am I? Jacob thought confused. He noticed the sky was looking particularly red, almost....pained. Davey paced nearby, mumbling to himself about something crazy, no doubt.

Jacob clutched at his forehead, squinting. "Ugh. Davey. What is going on?"

Dave's face paled and he spun, shocked at the alien noise that was Jacob's voice. "Oh! You are awake! Um, yeah Jake, no problem dude. I just had to get you out of there."

"Where are we then?" Jacob spat, upset at Davey's weak explanation.

"Well, I'd say we are in a field. Probably some kind of farm." Davey replied, looking around.

"No crap hey? Just help me up. You got a cellphone?" Jacob demanded, climbing to his feet with a crunch in the dead, dry hay. Davey ignored him. They stood in silence for a moment.

"Well, we should probably try to find our way back, I probably am going to die or something if I don't get back to the hospital." Jacob joked. He began to walk through the dead grass. "Have you seen anybody or anything?" He asked, turning back to look at Davey.

Davey shrugged and scuffed his shoes on the ground nervously. "There might be some buildings over there... I didn't want to leave you, you've been out for a while."

"Alright, let's get out of here."

The two boys hiked through hills and gullies, passing more hay bails and dried, yellow ground. The ominous bloody sky shone overhead, illuminating this new place in a dusk-like orange. Sweat soon poured through their clothing and they doggedly carried on in hopes of salvation.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chapter 1 continued

Jacob sat, as calmly as possible, dabbing at his nose with a wad of tissue, as his parent's station wagon bounced around the freeway. His father was sitting in the passenger seat watching a TV show on a laptop, oblivious to his surroundings. Jacob's mother was frantic, weaving through traffic, honking and yelling at cars.

"Get out of the way! My son's life is in danger! These drivers are terrible!" she screamed, looking over at Jacob's dad. He didn't flinch.

"Oh yeah, honey," he mumbled, without looking up from the laptop.

"Mom, I don't think the other cars can hear you." Jacob whined from the backseat, annoyed at the noise.

With that, Jacob tuned out and stared out at the landscape and the bridges they had to cross to get downtown. He imagined that a huge, rusted robot came out of the water and began picking up cars, asking for directions to Matterhorn Mountain, Jacob's favorite water slide theme park. Jacob imagined witches, flying on brooms, weaving through traffic like his mom did now, casting spells on cars, changing them into frogs or rocks, or whatever. Jacob didn't need TV like his dad, or...anything. He just needed imagination.

"Hey buddy." A voice playfully came from beside Jacob.

Jacob whipped his head across to look beside him, surprised at the unfamiliar voice. Jacob clawed at the seat, pushing himself as far away from his...unexpected visitor.

"Jakey? What's wrong? Is everything ok back there?" His mom called, sensing Jacob's unease.

"Yeah, I'm ok." Jacob whispered back, eyes locked on the person who sat next to him now.

"Sorry I scared you. I'm Davey Hart, put 'er there," Davey stuck his hand out to Jacob.

Davey sat, slumped in the seat next to Jacob. He wore red high-tops, tight blue jeans, a button up shirt and blue rimmed glasses that poked out from his mussed blond hair. Jacob pondered Davey's unusual arrival and his weird attire a little before thrusting out his hand to meet Davey's.

Their hands met, and they shook.

Jacob looked at the hands, then at Davey.

"How did you get in our car?" Jacob whispered, peering up at his mom, who was looking for a parking spot near the hospital.

"Easy peasy my new friend. I jumped in a few streets back, when you were stopped at some lights," Davey explained.

"Oh. I never thought of that. So you are real? Not some superhero or anything?"

Davey laughed, "Nope. Just reg'lar old Davey Hart, at your service."

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Well, who's gonna keep you company at the hospital? Your imagination? Ha!" Davey slapped his knee at the comment.

Jacob turned away from him, noticing his shirt had become bloody. In his surprise, he let the blood drip down from his nose onto his chin and his shirt. He dabbed at his nose with the clogged tissues he clutched. What is going on here? Is this guy for real? Jacob's head raced with a hundred other thoughts.

The car stopped abruptly.

"Alright, get outta the car! We're here! Jakey! Don't forget your tissues. Freddy, honey! Are you coming?" Jacob's mom screeched into the car as she opened the door and exited the station wagon.

Jacob's dad didn't look up.

"Oh! For Chrissake Fred! Stay in the Goddamn car. You can't watch TV in the hospital anyways!"

Jacob's mom scowled as she grabbed Jacob's arm and yanked him out of the car. Davey followed, his hands in his pockets.

The Doctor's footsteps echoed through the hallway, and into the room where Jacob sat upright in a white hospital bed. He felt groggy from being knocked out by some sort of sleepy drug. Gauze and tubes were shoved in his nose from his visit in the Emergency room. The hospital said they wanted to keep him overnight for tests. His parent's had long gone to work, promising to visit later.

Davey lounged in a chair beside the bed.

"Jacob Carlisle?" The doctor asked, flipping sheets around on a clipboard.

"Yeff, bat's be." Jacob said, trying to talk as clearly as possible.

"Hmm. I'll be back."

The doctor turned swiftly, and marched back out of Jacob's room.

"Well, that was fun," snorted Davey, "This place sucks."

Jacob snickered a little, but was stopped short with pain. He didn't know much about hospitals, but the nurse said they caterized his nose. Jacob liked to think that he had undergone a radioactive treatment in his nose that would help transform him into a mutant cat one day, like in the books he read.

Jacob had had a terrible headache ever since they tried turning him into a cat. The nurse gave him pills for the pain, but it still hurt.

"Bavey, whaks wong wiff be?"  Jacob asked. He was scared. Hospitals were scarier than he thought they'd be.

"I don't know, Jake. That doctor guy can probably fix you though," Davey said, confidently. His leg swung like a pendulum over the arm of the chair and he looked at the machines next to Jacob's bed.

"I wonder what this stuff all does," Davey said, thinking aloud.

"Bavey, bon't toush abyfing. Pwease." Jacob choked.

Davey reached out with his foot at a big red switch, smiling.

"Bon't eben yoke, Bavey."

"What are you gonna do?"

The I.V's in Jacob's wrist wouldn't allow him to move much, so he just glared at Davey.

The two sat in silence for a while, Davey moving around the room examining machinery, and Jacob sat, watching his odd new friend.

Jacob's mom burst into the room.

"How is my baby!" she yelled, rushing to Jacob's bedside for a hug.

"I'b OK bub," Jacob croaked.

"Where is the doctor?! He pulled me out of work to tell me something."

Jacob's mom ground her hands together nervously. She didn't look very good.

"I cab bush dis putton ab sobeone will cobe?" Jacob motioned his mom towards the help button. The doctors said to only push it in an emergency.

Jacob's mom pushed the button and sat at the edge of Jacob's bed. She washed her face in her hands and groaned.

Almost immediately, nurses and doctors rushed into Jacob's room, expecting disaster. They all stopped when they noticed nothing was wrong.

The doctor from before was there, and he came forward.

"What is the meaning of this? That button is for emergency only!" He said sternly, finger pointed at Jacob.

"I'm sorry, doctor, it was my fault. I'm very concerned about my baby, Jakey," Jacob's mom said, rising from the bed.

"Well, its just for emergency...for future reference," the doctor stammered.

"OK. What news do you have?' Jacob's mother asked, stepping closer to the doctor.

Davey walked back towards Jacob's bed and started touching machines. Nobody noticed.

"Well Mrs. Carlisle, I'm afraid that Jacob might have a malignant tumor in his brain. We believe that it may be the cancerous type. We also think that it is located in Jacob's Prefrontal Cortex. Nosebleeds this severe are often indications of a brain tumor."

Jacob's mother dropped to the floor. Only once the doctor approached her, did she awake from her short stupor and scream and kick in a fit on the floor of Jacob's hospital room.

"HE'S ELEVEN! HE'S ONLY ELEVEN!" She screamed, sobbing on the floor.

Jacob looked over and saw that Davey was flipping switches and pushing buttons on the machines that were next to his bed. All that Jacob could hear was the "bleep" and "bloop" that he thought the machines made. His mother's screaming drifted away to white noise, and his head sunk into the pillow. He saw Davey look over him as his eyelids drooped closed. Sleep came without effort.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey everyone,

The book I plan on writing will simply be known as "Jacob." Feel free to comment! Happy reading!

Jacob - Chapter 1

Jacob relaxed on the roof of his tree fort.
Staring up at the stars, he hoped he could be an astronaut one day. Or something rather exciting. Something more exciting than going to school and... pretending to go on adventures. Jacob wanted a real life adventure. Something tangible.


"Jacob! Time to come in! It's a school night, honey. It's almost ten!"

Jacob hated school.

Yawning, Jacob crawled down through the fort and climbed the rope ladder into his small, suburban backyard. He scowled, kicking at toys strewn across the backyard, illuminated only from the weak porch light.

"Come in and kiss your mother goodnight, Jacob."

The voice carried through the house and would have carried into the neighbourhood, except Jacob slammed the door shut, sending tremors through the house. Glass trinkets tinkled like music.

He waltzed lazily into his parent's room where they lay, propped up by pillows, next to each other in the bed, watching TV.

"What." Jacob stated.

"Jacob, give me a kiss and go to sleep! It's late!" His mother demanded, gesturing him closer to the bed with her arms.

"I hate school." Jacob said, standing his ground.

"Well, you'd best get used to it young man! You have five more years until you graduate!" His mother frowned, slapping her hands on her lap in frustration.

Jacob's father stared, zombified, at the TV.


Jacob pecked his mother on the cheek, and walked out of his parent's room, slamming the door for good measure. He hoped that would get the message across. School is for suckers! Jacob thought.

He piled down the stairs to his room, wishing for some excitement. He was thinking about just playing some video games or something. That way, he could escape...this.

Jacob turned on his TV and watched late night talk shows until he fell asleep, TV still blaring on, lighting his dark room with sporadic flashes.



Why was everything so red? Jacob thought, alarmed.

He sat up quickly, grabbing for tissue on his nightstand to stuff into his bleeding nose. Not bleeding. Flooding.

His pillow was saturated with blood, as was Jacob's sheets and his clothes which he slept in. Jacob glanced up at the mirror over top of his dresser. His face and hair were also caked in dried blood. Not again Jacob thought. He'd had a few minor nosebleeds lately. Nothing on this scale though.

"Mom!?" Jacob screamed over his TV, which bellowed the weather expected in Baynes Fort for today, on some morning network show.

"Come upstairs! I can't hear a word!" came the muffled reply.

Jacob sat up and slid off the bed woozily. Grabbing more tissue to staunch the blood, Jacob rushed upstairs, feeling fuzzy from the exertion.

"Jacob! Breakfast is ready, You'll be late f---Oh dear God!" shouted Jacob's mom, gasping at the sight of Jacob.

"Mub, I hab a dosebweed."

Jacob sat at the kitchen table, holding the bloodied tissues to his face.

"Oh! Umm, oh dear! Honey! Jacob's had a nosebleed! What should we do?!" Jacob's mother screeched, obviously flustered.

"Don't know. I'm watching the news." Dad nonchalantly replied from another room.

Jacob's mother rushed over to the chair that Jacob was sitting in, sitting on her heels to investigate. "How much blood was there, Jakey? Lots?"

Jacob nodded. Truthfully, it was more blood than he'd ever seen. Looked like he'd been beheaded or something. It was cool.

"We'd better go to the hospital I think."

Jacob's mother stood, pacing around the kitchen, worried. "I'll grab the keys." she said to herself, mostly, walking out of the kitchen, leaving Jacob alone with his tissues.



Hey everyone,

I have had this crazy idea, in my brain, that I would write a fantasy novel. I don't care to become a famous novelist or a millionaire author, but really would just like to try my hand at writing. What better way than to write a webnovel? It would be free for you to read, and you could leave comments to help me improve. Who knows, maybe your comments could even change the course of the story.

I should introduce myself. I'll write as Bahloo, just some screen name I created, but I am really a Canadian student and a regular young guy. I've had a passion for fantasy as a kid, reading Brian Jacques since I was 7 and I began reading Robert Jordan when I was 11. From there, I've just tried to read more and more books. Now I want to try my hand at writing.

Now, I know what you are thinking. This is just another crazy guy babbling online, hoping to create the next Tolkien.

Well, not really. I don't plan on being a famous author, and I just want to have fun while telling a story. One that you could read and enjoy with me. This way, I don't need any deal with a book company in order to share books. I also don't need to be a professional writer. I don't know what to expect with this, and the books that I share here will not be published. Even if I become an author.

So, I will try to update as often as possible, a new chapter each post. Thank you for reading and I hope that you and I both enjoy this experiment.